Our Objectives


Establish a legal framework to legitimize microdosing psychedelics as a wellness supplement, enabling widespread access without requiring a guide.

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Advocate for legal, regulated, and safe access, to minimize abuse and harm.

Make Your Voice Heard


Educate on the benefits and risks of a regulated industry for the growing number of "healthy normals" interested in microdosing.

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d*sing collective

Our Manifesto

Our world is facing a mental health pandemic, with more than 1/8th of the global population suffering from a clinical indication. Based on cutting-edge scientific research, rigorous case studies from various organizations, and our own beneficial experiences, we believe microdosing is a beneficial tool: both to better the well and to offer relief to those on traditional psychotropic medications.

Microdosing psychedelics has made a profound impact on countless individuals. Yet, limited research exists on the benefits of low-dose psychedelic use due to regulatory challenges and the novelty of such an approach. Almost all current psychedelic policy focuses on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy using consciousness-altering doses.

Policies around psychedelic legalization do not differentiate based on dosage, which is a major oversight. Microdoses require a different context due to their sub-perceptual nature. For that reason, the practice of microdosing requires unique regulatory policies to accurately reflect the different ways in which it is used. By forming a policy around microdosing, we intend to increase accessibility to the benefits of intentional psychedelic use.

Each member of this collective has either been personally positively impacted by or supports broader access to the practice of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms with a structured supplement protocol and a clear intention for optimal well-being.

The Microdosing Collective wants to create momentum around changes to state and federal policy to support the legalization of microdosing, starting with psilocybin. We recognize that microdosing supplements are already being sold in many jurisdictions worldwide; and yet, the majority of commerce is unregulated and black market. We believe every human, if they wish, should be able to access microdosing medicine in a trustworthy and safe manner, with vetted and lab-tested products.

Our community is one of diverse backgrounds and various walks of life, all of whom bring personal anecdotes as to the benefits of microdosing and serve as ambassadors for education and advocates for legalization. Through our organization we will seek to expand access to those who may benefit from its use, welcome those from cultures for whom microdosing has been both a sacrament and a medicine, and seek to positively impact each community we touch.

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Our Advisors

Courtney Barnes

Courtney is a devoted social justice attorney and leading trailblazer in drug policy reform, specializing in advising clients on regulatory compliance and risk management in highly regulated, emerging industries. She also serves as Policy Advisor for Decriminalize Nature, General Counsel for the Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, and Education (SPORE), and Advisory Board Member of Heroic Hearts Project, Inc. She was a lead drafter of Denver’s Psilocybin Decriminalization Initiative (I-301) in 2018, and has unparalleled experience implementing state and local policy reform relating to the decriminalization of psychedelics and establishment of cannabis regulatory regimes.

Dr. Evan Lewis, MD

Dr. Evan Lewis is a Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist with expertise in pediatric neurology and epilepsy. He is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Pediatrics at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto. Dr. Lewis is the founder and medical director of the Neurology Centre of Toronto (NCT) and VP of Psychedelic Neurology at Numinus – a Canadian company focused on psychedelic research and therapeutics. He joined the Numinus team in September 2021 with an intention to explore the utility of psychedelics in the field of neurology.

Anthony Molina, Lobbyist

Anthony has over a decade of experience in government affairs. His expertise and strategic guidance have brought successful outcomes on behalf of several corporate clients, trade associations, and NGOs. Anthony in known from his unique problem-solving ability on complex issues within California government. He provides tailored solution to clients’ needs in the legislative, budget, and regulatory arenas.

Tracey Tee

Tracey Tee is the creator and steward of Moms On Mushrooms: one of the fastest-growing digital communities in the psychedelic space. M.O.M. offers a private monthly membership and multiple courses and offerings for working with – and healing through – the sacred use of microdosing psilocybin to mothers worldwide. Tracey was honored to be a guest panelist at the 2023 MAPS Psychedelic Science Conference and has been featured on NPR (twice) the Today Show, Good Morning America, Piers Morgan, Rolling Stone Magazine, CBS Saturday Morning, PBS, Psychedelics Today, ThirdWave Podcast, Psyched with Kaia Roman, NBC News, Romper Magazine, and The London Times. Yes, Tracey did appear on Dr. Phil to defend the right for moms (and anyone, really) to heal through Microdosing. It was the most psychedelic thing she's ever done.

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